Children’s Librarian: Susan Slater [email protected] 814 723-4650 x126
Children’s Room Assistant: Kelley Wood
2025 Winter/Spring Children’s Programs Schedule
Note: Preschools, daycares and/or groups of six or more are encouraged to call the Children’s Librarian to schedule a special time for your group.
Weekly Program
Toddler Time: Mondays, 10:30 am, Children’s Department. Aimed at ages 1-5 but all are welcome. Join Ms. Susan for stories, songs, crafts and creative play. Dates: January 13, 27; February 3, 10, 24; March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31; April 7, 14, 21, 28.
DIY Activities
Forms for both DIY activities can be found in the Children’s Department across from the staff desk or download one below..
Big Chill Scavenger Hunt: Children ages two through eleven (2-11) are encouraged to complete a winter-themed scavenger hunt in the Children’s Department. As each task is completed, the title of the book or library item that meets the description is to be noted on the Big Chill Scavenger Hunt form; parents can write for the little ones. Forms are due into the Children’s Department by March 28. Names will be placed in drawings for $30 Walmart gift cards; one prize winner will receive a fantastic prize basket. Winners will be notified March 31. Pick up a form in the Children’s Department or download one here: Big Chill Scavenger Hunt
Read Your Way through the Rainbow: Children ages two through eleven (2-11) are encouraged to read their way through the rainbow to earn a Reading Ribbon and have their name entered into drawings for $30 Walmart gift cards plus one grand prize winner will receive a spectacular prize basket. This can be accomplished by reading a book for each color listed on the Read Your Way through the Rainbow form. Colors are listed twice, so two different books are to be read for listed colors. This results in 26 different books read. How does this work? Use the book cover, title, author or topic of the book for each color. For example, a book with a green cover, or with the word “green” in the title, or written by an author with the name “Green”, or a book about something green like a dragon, can be used for the color green. Turn completed Read Your Way through the Rainbow forms into the Children’s Department by April 21 in order to receive a Reading Ribbon (available while supplies last) and be entered into the gift card and prize basket drawings. Winners will be notified April 22. Pick up a form in the Children’s Department or download one here: Read Your Way through the Rainbow Form
Special Programs
Take Your Child to the Library Day: Saturday, February 1, 10:30 am – 4:00 pm, Children’s Department. Celebrated across our country since 2011, this is a great day for the family to stop by the library to see what we have to offer. There will be toys and simple crafts out during the time listed above for children to enjoy. Registration not required.
Valentine, Sweet Valentine: Wednesday, February 12, 3:30 – 6:00 pm. Children of all ages are invited to stop by the Children’s Department to make a Valentine for their special someone. A variety of craft materials will be out so children can create their own Valentines to make and take. Registration not required.
Grow Bulbs for Spring Flowers: Saturday, February 15, 11:00 am, Slater Room. For children in grades K – 8. The Master Gardeners of Warren County will explain how bulbs are different than seeds and show how to plant bulbs to grow spring flowers. Children will then plant their own daffodil bulb garden to take home. All supplies provided by Master Gardeners. Registration is mandatory due to limited attendance. Registration slips available in the Children’s Department starting January 27.
Supa Dog Man Day: Monday, February 24, 4:30-6:00 pm, Slater Room. For children in grades 2-6. Children should have read at least four or more of the Dog Man books by Dav Pilkey to participate. Join us for games, activities, prizes and a trivia contest based on Dog Man characters. Registration is mandatory due to limited attendance. Registration slips available in the Children’s Department starting February 3.
Youth Art Month: March 6-26, Wetmore Gallery. Talented art students from Warren County School District, St. Joseph Elementary School and local homeschoolers in grades K – 12 will have teacher-selected pieces of artwork on display, March 6-26, in celebration of Youth Art Month. Children with art on display will receive an Art Award Certificate from their teacher at the Open House on March 10, 5-7 pm. Homeschool parents may direct questions to Children’s Librarian Susan Slater.
Magic Jamie Show: Saturday, March 15, 11:00 am, Slater Room. Join magician Jamie Petrush for an interactive magic show designed to captivate young minds and foster a sense of joy and amazement. This show can accommodate 116 attendees. All will be seated on a first come, first seated basis.
Sundance Kids Farm Baby Animals: Saturday, April 5, 11 am – noon, Slater Room. Every year spring brings new life and growth. Mike Morton will bring some of his baby animals from Sundance Kids Farm for the children to interact with such as lambs, chicks, ducklings and bunnies. The program will start with Ms. Susan reading a story followed by children interacting with the animals. This event can accommodate 116 attendees. All will be seated on a first come, first seated basis.
National Library Week: April 7 – 12
- Children who attend Toddler Time on April 7 will choose a free book to keep.
- Patron Appreciation Day is Tuesday, April 8. Stop by the Library lobby throughout the day for a tasty treat.
- Participate in the National Library Week Short Survey, which can be found throughout the week on the staff desk in the Children’s Department, and your name will be entered into a drawing for a $30 Walmart gift card.
Available All Year
1000 Books Before Kindergarten: Help put your child on the right track for kindergarten and build a solid foundation for academic success by reading early and often to your young children. The Warren Library is providing the opportunity to participate in this popular program open for babies, toddlers and preschoolers. Information about this program and reading logs can be found on our 1000 Books Before Kindergarten page here. When visiting the library, information and a reading log for the first 100 books can be found on a shelf directly across from the staff desk in the Children’s Department. Those who prefer an online method may keep track at Reader Zone. Register on their website www.readerzone.com using the program code fc392. Like apps? Download the Reader Zone app from Google Play, the App Store or Amazon by searching for “Reader Zone”; be sure to use program code fc392.
Portions of these programs are possible due to the generous donations made at the Annual Midwinter Library Fundraiser.